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Photos by Mayve Strong

More photos on Photo Club Facebook

also view our BIrds of Hagerman List

Refuge Information

Featuring 11,000 acres of outdoor recreation opportunities, Hagerman NWR is the largest natural space in North Texas freely available to the public. It is an excellent destination for BirdingHiking,  Wildlife ViewingFishing, Boating and regulated Hunting.

Like many national wildlife refuges, Hagerman NWR has a very active Friends organization who offer a variety of nature-themed, family-friendly Events, Tram Tours of the refuge, Seminars and Field Trips for schools, scouts and other groups. In addition, the Photo Club hosts informative meetings, seminars and field trips.

  • Admission to the refuge and visitor center, parking and all events and activities are free (except where stated otherwise)
  • Drive on any road unless gated
  • Please take care not to block gates when stopping or parking.
  • Leashed dogs and bicycles (including e-bikes) are welcome.
  • Kayaks and other non-motorized boats are welcome with some restrictions.
  • Restrooms are located at the Visitor Center, Environmental Education Park, the Goode Picnic Area, Big Mineral Picnic Area and Sandy Day Use Area.
Refuge lands are open every day of the year, from sunrise until sunset.

Visitor Center Hours:

  • Monday Through Saturday: 9am to 4pm
  • Sunday: 1pm to 5pm
  • Open everyday except Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years

Refuge Office Hours:

  • Monday Through Friday: 7:30am to 4pm
  • Closed for federal holidays

The speed limit is 20 mph throughout the refuge.  Exceeding the speed limit may result in a Federal ticket.

America The Beautiful Park Passes

Park Passes are sold by refuge staff. Ring the door-bell at the window inside the Visitor Center for staff assistance.   More information

Note: Nature Nook volunteers may not sell park passes

For more information, please visit our FAQ page or More on Refuge Rules.

Questions?  friendsofhagerman@gmail.com

Lucy by Mary Elford Hulshouser

Stay up to date with current events and wildlife at the refuge!

Current Flyer        Facebook 

Left to Right: Mike Petrick, Nancy Riggs, Jack Chiles and Terry Goode

Every Tuesday Jack Chiles and his team of experienced birders perform a refuge-wide bird census.  View his full report, including field notes.

Weekly Bird Census:

Birding with Jack 

Enjoy a ninety minute tour of the refuge.  Learn about the town flooded to create Lake Texoma while enjoying the birds and other wildlife.

Tram Tours  Group Tram Request

With different nature-themed topics every month,  the kids will love our children's program: The Refuge Rocks!  Reservations are required.

The Refuge Rocks! 

For nature crafts you can do at home with detailed instructions, visit:

Puddles' Craft Corner

Refuge Update:

Need an outing?  Enjoy the Auto Tour from the comfort of your vehicle, and check out all of the new educational items in the Nature Nook. 


Save the Date:  

This year's Refuge Roundup will be October 12, 2024

Upcoming events

    • August 10, 2024
    • 10:00 AM
    • Hagerman National Wildlife Visitor Center

    In late April 0f 2023 Jack Chiles, Nancy Riggs, Terry Good and I (AKA the old buzzards) took an extended trip to Southeastern Arizona. We birded the Mountains, Canyons and Grasslands from Portal all the way around to Tucson. This program is about the unique places and birds that we encountered on the trip.

    A bit about Mike:

    I developed a love of the outdoors early in life. I was born and raised in Burnet and grew up in the outdoors hunting, fishing and camping. These along with photography continued to be my hobbies or the rest of my life.

    I taught in San Angelo for 18 years and in Lewisville for 20 years. The last 8 years of my career I taught outdoor education, which included hunting and boating safety, fishing, camping, Dutch oven cooking, orienteering etc. at Huffines Middle School in Lewisville.

    After retiring I needed something to do and I had heard of the Master Naturalist program. I became a Texas Master Naturalist in the class of 2011. Once I became a Master Naturalist I began going on bird walks and field trips and have become an avid birder and bird photographer

    I have been able to combine my love of the outdoors, birds, photography and teaching in my volunteering. As an old teacher I love to talk and work with young people. The first thing that I volunteered for was trail guiding at the Heard Refuge. I have since become a trail guide at the Lewisville Lake Environmental Area leading school groups on hikes including leading night hikes. I also volunteer at the Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge as a tram tour guide and help with the weekly bird census there. Since 2011 I have been able to serve almost 1500 volunteer hours.

    Free and open to the public.  Donations are accepted to support this and other events and programs sponsored by the Friends of Hagerman NWR.

    Join us with membership today to receive the monthly Featherless Flyer newsletter with nature articles, program information, updated events and other important refuge information!

    • August 17, 2024
    • 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
    • Hagerman NWR Visitor Center
    • 15

    Have you ever wondered how we know so much about the Earth many, many years ago? Well, we have fossils and rocks to thank for that! What exactly are fossils and rocks? What information do they give scientists, and how? Fossils and rocks can give scientists clues about animals and plants that lived long ago and what the Earth was like then. During this program, we will be taking the children back millions of years to the time when the refuge area was covered by a vast saltwater ocean and learn about the plants, animals, and geology of our area long ago.  Come join us on August 17 for a free class on this popular topic!  This free program is for youth ages 5-10. 

    Free and open to the public, though registration is required.  Donations are accepted to support this and other events and programs sponsored by the Friends of Hagerman NWR.

    Join us with membership today to receive the monthly Featherless Flyer newsletter with nature articles, program information, updated events and other important refuge information.

Other Events

All events are free and open to the public, some may require Membership

The 2024 Annual Free Fishing Event

2024 Nature'Ology: A Fun Day of Learning About Nature!

Don't miss our day camp for 10-12 year olds in June, 2025!

2024 Spring Festival: Choctaw Cultural Day

by Lea Watson, Thank You, Lea!

Enjoy: 2023 Favorite Clips Video: Hagerman Wildlife on Youtube

By Richard Barnes

Wilson's Snipe by Richard Barnes

Friends of Hagerman Mission

Friends of Hagerman NWR Foundation is a 501(c)(3) corporation whose mission is to instill reverence, respect, and conservation of our wild creatures and habitats through supporting environmental education, recreational activities, and programs of Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

Bobcat by Brenda Kay Edwards

Search for any word--do not use quotes for phrases

Events and activities hosted by the Friends of Hagerman are funded by donations and powered solely by volunteers.  There are no fees for admission to the refuge or parking; the refuge is open from sunrise to sunset every day of the year, drive on any road unless gated.

6465 Refuge Road

Sherman, TX 75092


Kroger: Stop by the customer service desk at Kroger and link your Kroger Card to the Friends of Hagerman: the Friends will get rewards for every dollar you spend, at no cost to you.

Please add friendsofhagerman@gmail.com to your contacts to ensure delivery of registration confirmations, account information and the Featherless Flyer

Special thanks to Nancy Miller for the amazing photo of the Visitor Center 

See you at the refuge!

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