Aerial control has been postponed, the refuge is open.
Hunt/Boat/Fish at Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge Featuring 11,000 acres of outdoor recreation opportunities, Hagerman NWR is an excellent destination for wildlife viewing, hiking, fishing, boating, and regulated hunting. In addition, the Friends of Hagerman offer many activities, events, seminars and volunteer opportunities. Refuge lands and lakeshores are open and accessible from sunrise to sunset every day of the year—even when the visitor center is closed. Restrooms are located at the Goode Picnic Area (near Haller's Haven Trail) the Visitor Center, Big Mineral picnic area (near Meadow Pond Trail) and Sandy Day Use Area. |
Photo by Carl Hill Situated on the upper Big Mineral Creek arm of Lake Texoma, which is on the Texas / Oklahoma border, Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge provides feeding and resting areas for migrating waterfowl, shorebirds, pelicans, and many other birds. The refuge also supports abundant state trust resources including white-tail deer, wild turkey, rabbits, and squirrel. Invasive feral hogs have also become established here and are the target of several ongoing control measures. Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge allows limited quota hunting for white-tail deer, wild turkey, and feral hogs by permit only. The refuge has developed a reputation for hosting high quality public hunts for all three species. Permits are issues by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) after a random draw. The hunts are generally scheduled as follows (dates and open areas vary each year; consult refuge and state regulations before hunting):
The refuge also offers public hunting for dove, rabbit, and squirrel in specified areas and specified portions of open seasons. These hunts are available to the general public and do not require a drawn permit from TPWD. They are generally scheduled as follows (dates may vary each year; consult refuge and state regulations before hunting):
Be sure to check out the hunting rules and regulations before hunting at Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge. You will need to consult the refuge-specific hunting rulesas well as Texas Hunting Regulations. Related Documents US Fish and Wildlife Service Limited Permit Hunts, Hagerman Hunt Brochure US Fish and Wildlife Service Limited Permit Hunts, Nocona Hunt Brochure Hagerman NWR is in Grayson County Drawn Hunt Catalog of the Texas Public Hunt System For more information, about hunts at Hagerman visit: |
Fishing |
Photo by Don Champlin Fishing Regulations:
Popular fishing spots include:
While pond fishing is open (March 15th through September 30th) you can try the one on the right side of Refuge Road as you head towards the visitor center. It has been stocked with catfish in the past and has small perch. |
Stop Invasive Species in Your Tracks!
Help prevent the spread of invasive plants and animals:
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Kroger: Stop by the customer service desk at Kroger and link your Kroger Card to the Friends of Hagerman: the Friends will get rewards for every dollar you spend, at no cost to you.
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See you at the refuge!